Your knowledge and skills

Working with unaccompanied children requires specific knowledge and skills. This part of the toolkit provides you with specific information on:

  • the development of refugee children
  • intercultural and child-friendly communication
  • country of origin information
  • basic legal knowledge
As a guardian, you are responsible and accountable for the child in your care

Development of the child

An unaccompanied child is extremely vulnerable: underage, alone and a refugee. Their migratory background, relationship with their family and network, and ...
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Intercultural communication

As the guardian of an unaccompanied child, it is very important to share all information with the child in a culturally ...
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Child-friendly communication

Talking to children is something that most people do every day. For professionals who work with children, it is an essential ...
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Country of origin information

To be able to provide the child you are responsible for with the best possible support, it is always a good ...
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Basic legal knowledge

As a guardian you have a role to play in various legal procedures that the child may be involved in. In ...
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